Mature draft ready for playtesting

The Amaranth Oubliette has been substantially updated and expanded. You can now crawl through three levels of the oubliette: The Verdant Necropolis, the Foetid Grotto, and the Gelid Caverns. The update also includes rules for NPCs and allies, as well as a couple fleshed-out NPCs you can meet.

Updates include:

  1. Flowcharts and summary sections: Added Exploration Summary, Exploration Flowchart, and Combat Flowchart as quick references to use during exploration and combat without having to flip through the detailed rules and tables.
  2. Character encounters: Added rules for character encounters and allies in combat. You may now encounter Svert the Exiled Soldier or the Plump Man.
  3. Modified PC stats: Removed Guard stat and associated armors. Added in new armor rules that provide damage resistance rather than changing your defense stat.
  4. Misc rule improvements: Clarified some rules related to existing corridors / exits and secret doors; modified corridor geometry rules for more pathways and interconnectedness; updated items / rules to better deal with ailments; totally revamped treasure section; changed torch die rules; modified ascension rules.
  5. Thematic and layout improvements: Tweaked and cleaned up layout; renamed chapters for better thematic tie-in.
  6. More events: Filled out events table to nearly 100. (Left a few slots to tie-in with future content.)

I've done several playthroughs now and am really happy with the gameplay. I'd be very curious to hear any feedback. All that's left now is to build the fourth and fifth level, and a few NPCs, and tie the story together!


Character sheet for Amaranth Oubliette (DRAFT2).pdf 158 kB
61 days ago
Amaranth Oubliette (DRAFT2).pdf 2.5 MB
61 days ago

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